Kvennaathvarfið tekur þátt í samstarfsverkefni nokkurra félagasamtaka – markmiðið er að staðla stuðningskerfið fyrir brotaþola. Nánar má lesa um verkefnið hér


Project “Civil society organizations as key actors in standardizing support systems for victims and witnesses of criminal offences” is being implemented by Women’s Room – Center for Sexual Rights in partnership with Victim and Witness Support Service Croatia, Croatian Law Centre and The Women’s Shelter Iceland.

Project is financed with 138.985,00 € of financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway within EEP and Norway Grants www.eeagrants.org  / www.norwaygrants.org).

The project implementation period is from January 1st 2020 to June 30th 2023.

The general objective is to strengthen the advocacy role of CSOs for the process of improving the position of COV in criminal proceedings and standardizing the support system.

Specific objectives:

  1. Strengthening the capacity of CSOs which are providing help to victims for participation in the process of developing public policies and advocacy;
  2. Encouraging the active role of CSOs in advocating analysis-based recommendations;
  3. Strengthening inter-sectoral cooperation of CSOs which specialize in working with victims, national and international organizations specialized in public advocacy, the academic community, and relevant bodies and institutions;
  4. Advocacy for change and the standardization of the position of COV.

The objectives of the project will be achieved through many activities which are designed to complement each other: educational activities (education for strengthening the capacity of CSOs in the field of advocacy and policy making), implementation of comprehensive analyses with the aim of collecting data that will serve for CSOs’ advocacy processes and implementation of a public campaign with the aim of advocating for the implementation of recommendations and strengthening the visibility of CSO and dissemination of information about system of support for victims of criminal offences.

The project’s beneficiaries are CSOs which are providing services to victims of criminal offences (strengthening the capacity to advocate for analysis-based recommendations); Relevant bodies and institutions (influence on the standardization of work and treatment of COV, influence on the adoption of changes with the aim of improving the rights and position of COV); the academic community (contribution to the victim support system by cooperating with CSOs and working on recommendations for improving the system); the media (key link in dissemination of information and public sensitization). The end users are all citizens, i.e. victims and witnesses.

Information about project activities will be regularly updated on our website, and for any additional information feel free to contact us by e-mail: zenska.soba@zenskasoba.hr or phone; +38516119174.