Eygló Harðardóttir will be the project manager for the Shelters’ intermediate housing project. Eygló will also provide leadership for the new housing non-profit organiztion which was established by the Women’s Shelter, in order to manage the 16 appartments which will be built.

„In my past life I got the opportunity to get to know the work which is being done at the Shelter, all day, every day of the year. It will be unique to manage the construction of these apartments and by doing so, combining the two matters I am enthusiastic about; the issues regarding housing and the fight against violence“ says Eygló.

Eygló Harðardóttir is the former Icelandic Minister for Housing and Welfare, minister at the Nordic Council 2013 – 2017. She was a MP 2008 – 2017 and was a member of the parliaments’ committees for welfare (2011-2012), health (2008-2009), for education (2009-2011), business (2009-2011) and a member of the committee for finance and business (2012-2013).